Are You Fed Up With:
- Having bad breath and having your clothes smelling of smoke?
- Spending thousands of dollars a year for tobacco when you could be using that money for more important things?
- Worrying about your health because you can’t quit smoking?
- Feeling guilty about your habit?
- Thinking that you won’t be around to see your grandchildren?
- How your smoking habit controls you?
If you answered yes to these questions, consider hypnosis to stop smoking.
Can you stop smoking with hypnosis? The answer is YES.
Your Unconscious Mind Is Driving Your Habit
Right now smoking is in your comfort zone. Your unconscious put that habit in your comfort zone years ago when you first started smoking because you wanted to look cool or fit it socially or maybe you thought it make you look more mature and grown-up. At one point, you lit up a cigarette without even having to think about it. It was automatic. Now, years later, even though your logical and rational mind knows you want to quit and that smoking is damaging your health, it’s your unconscious mind that drives your habit and cravings.
Smoking Triggers
Like most people who smoke, I’m sure you have certain triggers or prompts that unconsciously tells you to light one up without even thinking about it. People who inquire for stop smoking hypnosis have these triggers. And many don’t even realize they have a trigger. Here are a few of the most common triggers my clients say they have:
- Right after waking up
- While drinking their coffee
- After a meal
- While watching TV
- While on a break
- While driving
- While on the phone
- While having a drink
One way hypnosis helps you stop smoking is by addressing and removing these unconscious triggers. Using hypnotherapy, I work with that part of you that uses smoking to fill a more profound need and help you to cope in a much healthier way.
Past Efforts To Quit Smoking
Even though you may have tried to quit in the past (most people attempt to stop several times before they come and see me), you can live tobacco/vape free – and it will be easier than you think.
Smoking Cessation has a high success rate under hypnosis. After a few sessions, 80% – 90% are successful in quitting smoking. And the good news is it’s entirely possible to quit smoking and not gain weight.
Commitment Is Key In Quitting Smoking
But here’s the thing – you must want to quit. It’s your choice. Hypnosis can’t and won’t make you do anything you are not willing to do, so, if you don’t want to quit, nothing, including hypnosis, will work.
So let me ask you this – if I were to present you with a magic button and if you pushed it, you’d be a non-smoker, would you try it?? If yes, you are a candidate.
How Hypnotherapy Helps
In short, hypnotherapy helps by tapping into your unconscious mind to help you challenge those self-concepts, limiting thoughts, habits, and triggers to end that unwanted behavior so tobacco no longer controls you.
What To Expect
Expect Results because hypnotherapy works. Most of my client’s experience results after their first session. My comprehensive program includes four, one-on-one one-hour hypnotherapy sessions that are personalized to your situation, teaching you self-empowering techniques, self-hypnosis audios for you to keep and listen to between sessions and afterward, curated videos, and more.
What To Do Next
If you are ready to quit, contact me if you’re ready to take back control of your life. For most people, that will be the hardest step in the whole process.
If you want more information, please contact me to set up a free 15-30 minute private phone consultation to see if hypnotherapy is right for you. Contact me at (928) 600-4980, email me at, or fill out and send the contact form.

Our Smoking Cessation Written Service Guarantee
The Strongest Guarantee In The Business
Success using hypnosis is dependent on many variables including the attitude, motivation, cooperation and the attendance of scheduled sessions by the client. Even though human behavior cannot be ethically guaranteed, New Pathways Hypnotherapy makes the following service guarantee for our smoking cessation program:
Upon payment of program fee in total, there are absolutely no more charges for sessions for the agreed-upon program, regardless of the time duration involved for the client to reach his or her goal. As people vary, so will the time duration needed for each individual to achieve their individual goal. Subsequent programs desired by clients for other areas of work will fall under a different agreement.
After the initial training period for our program is completed, and you have successfully completed your hypnosis assignments (listening to home audio sessions, attending your sessions, etc.) New Pathways Hypnotherapy will provide FREE REINFORCEMENT sessions at the client’s request as needed (maximum one per month) until client is satisfied and has attained his or her desired results. This guarantee applies to smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes, vaping, or chewing.
If you ever go back to your habit or problem again for any reason, our services are available to you at no extra charge for as long as our doors are open for business. You must, however, complete your assignments.