Hypnotherapy – Proven Anxiety Relief For A Better Life & Hope

Are you fed up with anxiety governing your life? Are you fed up with the feeling you’re not achieving all you can? Because of your anxiety, you’re missing out on different aspects of life.  With my systematic approach, I help you change your habits, thought patterns, behavioral patterns, limiting beliefs, and attitudes. Hypnotherapy can help you start living your life fully.   

It’s safe to say you’re probably looking for help to manage stress and anxiety better. Now, I don’t need to tell you what anxiety is or how it affects your physical and mental health and your day-to-day life. I will tell you that hypnotherapy is the natural and most effective, expedient, and drug-free way we know of that helps people change negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. And it’s a powerful way to manage better your emotional reactions to situations that are presently causing your anxiety.

You see, at the heart of anxiety is the inability to cope with a potential threat because you don’t trust yourself (lacking skill or abilities) or believe in yourself.   I specialize in anxiety because anxiety underpins and reinforces every other condition and issue – weight loss, smoking cessation, pain control, and others.

Anxiety can manifest itself in many ways. Here is just a partial list:

  • Avoiding tasks, people, events, outings, or conflict
  • Doubting your worth, value, and abilities
  • Excessive worry (catastrophizing)  
  • Panic Attacks
  • A sense of dread
  • Fear of being judged
  • Fears of impending doom
  • Insomnia/trouble falling asleep
  • Increased heart rate  
  • Feelings of sadness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Irritability
  • Physical pain


Having suffered from social anxiety myself, I’ve suffered from some of these, and I understand how anxiety can control a person’s thoughts and day-to-day life. Although I am not a medical person, I have studied anxiety thoroughly and specialize in anxiety relief. I have helped hundreds of people break out of their anxiety habits to leave their obstructive behaviors and limiting ideas about themselves in the past.   

For lasting transformation, you need to tap into your vast unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind is the storehouse for those unhelpful, limiting, and automatic beliefs getting in your way of change. By tapping into your unconscious mind, you can change your view of yourself and your problem. 

Also, I want you to understand and realize that not all anxiety is bad. In the proper context, anxiety is beneficial because it protects you. It’s one of the ways the unconscious is doing its job of keeping you safe. However, if your anxiety becomes chronic and unrelenting, then it’s a problem physically, mentally, and emotionally. And those times should not happen too often.    

Your Obtrusive Habitual Unconscious Thinking Patterns Can Be Changed With Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy works by tapping into and changing those underlying unconscious attitudes, beliefs, and thinking patterns limiting you. While you’re relaxed and focused and in a receptive state of hypnosis, suggestions are given that pass through your critical faculty and are established and accepted in your unconscious. Hypnotherapy is a proven modality to help people cope with various anxiety disorders (social anxiety, general anxiety, panic attacks). It’s drug-free and can be easily combined with other treatments and modalities.

My Anxiety Relief Program:

  • Dissipate your excessive anxious feelings, thoughts, and emotions
  • Release your limiting beliefs
  • Stop ruminating about past mistakes 
  • Start to believe in and trust in yourself
  • Develop an empowering new mindset 
  • Foster emboldening attitudes such as calmness and composure
  • Create new life-changing ways of responding to stresses


How Hypnotherapy Helps

Hypnotherapy taps into your unconscious mind to help you challenge those “I’m not good enough” thoughts and end that behavior pattern that has stopped you from achieving what you want and deserve. 

Those intrusive thoughts no longer pose a barrier to what you want to achieve with hypnotherapy. They are no longer your default mode. You will experience personal and professional breakthroughs you’ve wanted to achieve. You’ll be more successful in your actions because you’ll be self-assured in yourself and your abilities. 

What To Expect

Expect results because hypnotherapy works. Most of my client’s experience results after their first session. My comprehensive program includes four one-on-one one-hour hypnotherapy sessions personalized to your situation, teaching you self-empowering techniques, self-hypnosis audios for you to keep and listen to between sessions and afterward, curated videos, and more.

Free eBook

I’ve written an eBook called How To Reframe Self-Critical Thoughts And Boost Your Self-Esteem. It’s filled with valuable tips to help you do what the title says. To get your free copy, click here.

What To Do Next

If you think hypnotherapy might suit you and your situation, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me to schedule a free, 15-30-minute non-judgmental focus session. Please call me at (928) 600-4980, email me at  mvdessauer@gmail.com or fill out and send the contact form